Young Hen with Broken Leg (sorry it's a chicken)

Happy ending to the broken leg. Peggy healed perfectly and doesn't even limp. Want to know what I used for a cast?......a tampon tube!
No kidding- it worked perfectly. Because there were lacerations on the broken leg, I wanted a cast I could remove periodically and easily- to check the wounds. I slit a cardboard tampon tube up the middle, Trimmed the length, lined with a thin layer of cotton batting, and secured it around her leg with paper tape and vet wrap. Changing the cast was a delicate procedure- , but the cardboard and paper tape were just the ticket.
I gave her aspirin solution as suggested and spoiled her terribly with scrambled eggs and blueberries. She stayed in a small cat carrier to really limit her mobility.- but I slowly increased her time out with small amounts of standing and limp/hopping, and then eventually being out in the little chick cage for sunning and socializing. My biggest fear- and justifiably so- was not letting her get alienated from the flock. I socialized her as much as I could all through her recovery- but there was still some hen-pecking when she returned for good. only took about 3 weeks plus - All is well now, and I really have to look hard to see the callous and slight bend in her leg.


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