younger chickens huddle under coop


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2018
I originally had a problem and none of the chickens would go into the coop in the evening. I read some threads and have now put a lightbulb in their. The older 6 birds (about 4 mos.) now go into the coop at dusk. The younger (birds 3 mos-2 mos) huddle under the coop and I have to put them in at night. I had shut them in the coop for an extended period of time after brooding so they should know it is their home. They are also last to leave the coop when it is open in the AM. Are they too young to get it yet? Will they eventually follow the older birds queues? It is pretty awkward getting under the coop to get them. And I am pregnant so I assume it would only get more difficult as I grow! THANKS FOR ANY INPUT!!! This forum has been extremely helpful starting up our flock and I hope someone out their can assist me in rectifying our current problem.
First off - welcome and congrats! Last night was visiting my girlfriend, she has multiple aged chickens and they all follow the leader in at night and out in the morning, I don't think they are too young, but sometimes it takes a couple days of putting them where they need to be, they will even roost that early if there is a low bar (not near the big girls) mine always jumped up on the lowest rung and it is so cute!
Thanks! I am hopeful they will all head in tonight. If they don’t get it in a couple days should I close off the area below the coop so they can’t huddle down there? I have one roosting branch currently in the coop. Big and little girls will be seen sharing it. I have been planning on installing more. I can make that a priority this weekend.
yes, that is a good idea, closing it off should force them up. Agree with multiple roosts, maybe the head honcho is forcing them off the roost, bullying is a possibility.
Yes you need to help them and put them in at night. I usually wire a portion of the coop off for the new ones with food and water and leave them in there for a couple days. Then at night I put them back behind the wire and let them out in the morning. Took my new babies 4 days then they got it. Good luck
How much space do you have in the coop per bird, and how much space on the roost? A second roost would probably help, as you mentioned. With the two age groups, the older birds may be bullying the younger birds in the coop and making them not want to roost.
If they don’t get it in a couple days should I close off the area below the coop so they can’t huddle down there?

How much space do you have in the coop per bird, and how much space on the roost? A second roost would probably help, as you mentioned. With the two age groups, the older birds may be bullying the younger birds in the coop and making them not want to roost.
Ditto All Dat^^^
I will add more roosts this weekend. There is definitely not enough for all. I am learning! Thanks everyone. I'll let you know how it goes. Last evening a few of the mid-aged birds made their way up. So, hopefully a mix of more roosts and continued "forced nighttime relocation" will get everyone on the right track. I'll keep you all posted!!

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