Describe 'Backyard coop for 9 chickens' here

My husband built this (I basically told him what I wanted and he made it happen). It's 4' x 8', with 3 8"x10" windows along the back, an 8"x10" window near the roof on each end and an 8"x10" window on the front next to the door. The north end lifts halfway up (the one thing not the way I wanted it, but it's working out!), the south end has the nest box (probably not ideal, we painted the roof of it white to help deter the heat and light).

The main roost runs the full length of the coop, and it's simply a 2"x2" dowel (we didn't round off the corners, they seem fine). There is a second, smaller (probably 4 feet long? Maybe 5 feet?) roost that is shorter that they sometimes use. It was put there for when they were smaller and needed the extra boost to get to the top.

The nest box is 4 feet long and is divided into three boxes. So far my pullets aren't laying, they're 17 weeks and 12 weeks.

The run is 6 feet high, 10 feet wide and 6 feet deep (or thereabouts). They also have another 4 x 8 feet of space underneath the coop itself.
I am extremely happy with it and the chickens seem to be too!

The front of the coop. The ramp empties into the run. You can see the supports for the smaller roost through the window and door. The nest box is to the left.

The back of the coop.

The run (and the top of my dog's tail). The run doesn't look as big as it actually is!

The blurry thing on the left is the main roost. You can see two of the nest boxes and the smaller roost (and a few chickens too)