Sebastopol Geese Coop And Pen

It will work if that is where you plan to keep them locked in at night.

You cannot keep them penned in like day for most of the day.
You have started 3 different threads asking for very similar answers.

Please keep all your questions about your sebbies in this thread.

P.S. - I have 14 sebbie eggs in the incubator

Have fun with your babies.
If you are planning on breeding the pair that has the bird with the slightly crossed bill can I advise you NOT TO SELL any eggs or goslings. The Crossed bill is a deformity that gets passed from parent to offspring.
SamG cant the Crossed beak be from the incubation . I have a canda goos that has a lower beak that is longer than the top and that is becasue it ws hatched using a desk lamp . I did not incubate the egg . I got the goose after wards
And MissPrissy i
to you . I dont know how you do it . I couldnt even get my ordered goose eggs to make it through the PO in 1 piece . I bet you will manage to get most of those eggs to hatch .
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