Is this 4 week old BO a roo?


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
Louisville, KY
I ordered 3 BO pullets and two feathered out quite nicely about a week ago. The third is way behind and I am beginning to worry she is a he. They will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. I am especially worried because I know I have one barred rock roo (packing peanut) and they are at about the same stage of feathering (as is the free light Brahma I received). I am now beginning to worry that out of my 7 I may have 3 roosters. Can anyone confirm my fear or alleviate my worries? Sorry for the poor quality of the pics I have a lot of trouble trying to get them to stand up to get a good look at form.
Here is one of just Pumpkin

The one on the right is Pumpkin:

Again the one on the right:

The one on the left:

The one in front:

The one in back:
I don't see anything screaming rooster just yet, but they are a little young to guess. The camera flash washed out the questionable ones face, so can't see the color on the comb and there's not really a good angel on the face/wattles. Typically, the cockerels comb and wattles become pretty obvious by 6 weeks compared to a pullet. However, there are some who will keep you guessing until they are much older and grow their saddle feathers.

Feathering is not an indicator of sex on orp chicks. I've had slow feathering roos and hens.
I am not seeing anything major that screams roo either. But they can sure drive you nuts trying to figure it out, eh? For right now, I'd say pullet.
The one in the last photo, in the back with the short tail feathers could be a roo. JMO

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