New Quail Cage


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 24, 2009
I just finished my new quail cage it is 8ft long 4ft wide and 2ft tall I have 9 quail in it at this time but plan to add more. I put a shelf in it with a walk plank for them to roost. I also slopped the floor and shelf 2in to allow eggs to role to the front of the cage for retrieval. I used a rabbit feeder for their food and bought a small dog waterier for their water. I keep both food and water outside of the cage so they cannot play in it and the wire support in the food area I made with a larger board so they can stand on it to eat and it also catches some of their dropped food to help cut back on waist. They love the room I would like to put things like large pieces of tree bark and maybe even come up with a way to put a strip of sod in it. I had a lot of the materials at home to build the cage but even if I had to buy them I think the cage would cost less than $100 it is constructed out of 2x3 lumber with OSB plywood in the back. Sides are 1/4in plywood with 1/2in rat wire floor and 1in coated poultry wire in the front and 1in regular poultry wire in the top and a 1ft shelf along the front to keep the food, water etc on.
Hope you can use this to build yourself one.


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im getting a trio of quail soon and im using an old rabbit hutch,im lucky since I have lots of them hanging around since we used to raise rabbits.
I have Bob Whites it is my first time raising them and I will have to say they are much easier than my hens and guineas. They have not started to use the 2nd floor yet. I had them in a multi floor rabbit cage before and they used it a lot so I am hoping that they will soon. I think as I start to add more they will use it just as a get away. Also thought about if I do put sod in it that would be where I put it and maybe they would be attracted to it. I wish they would start laying soon that way I can see how the sloped floor does. Will have to see how it goes I will keep you informed.
Nice job there.... Good work.
My Bobs haven't started laying yet either. I've heard from others though the end of March beginning of April around here is about when they start.
I'll have to try a second floor in my cages, perhaps I can increase the numbers by a couple per cage.


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