Please help me, wry neck 12 mth silkie (Save her)!!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
I have done so much reading my eyes hurt. I have spent money and so far it seems it was pointless. It is now day 2 of it having this wry neck and I feel she is going to die because she is not getting what she needs. I caught it early, but she isn't getting what she needs and the more I wait, the more it's going to get worse.

I live in New Albany, IN which is 5 minutes from Louisville, Ky. If you're local or even 40 minutes out I would be more than happy to bring this bird to you. I just want her to live. I'm going out of town tomorrow to Florida and I just can't go through losing her. Local vets are $100 and some were so rude they kept saying so what. Seriously? So Prednisone is out of the question. I heard people use Baytril from the vet well, all vets are out of the question. So, I've read Vitamin E, Vitamin E with Selenium, I've read B12, B complex, I've also read rooster booster (I can't get this any where, nobody has it). I read Polyvisol.

This is what I bought so far. I have Vitamin E 200IU softgel. I have Vitamin E 400IU with Selenium 100mcg softgel, B12 2000mcg tablets and Vital electrolytes.

None of this stuff will go in syringes, so I tried putting 1 vitamin E with selenium and crushed 1 b12 yesterday over scrambled eggs and spinach, but she ate some. Who knows how much vitamins she got. She wiggles and its hard to put anything in her beak. I don't understand dosages. Since I don't have access to Prednisone or Baytril, should I go buy Polyvisol? If I go buy this how much do I give her a day for how long? Should I go buy B complex? What do I exactly need and how much because I'm at the point of hopeless.

the electrolyte solution might be easier to get her to take at this point, hold a small water dish to her beak and get her beak in it to get her to drink some, keep doing it all day since she may only take a tiny amount each time. I used powdered vit. B complex vitamins, opened up capsule and sprinkled in onto fresh corn, my hens would eat corn on their last breath. so try it on her favorite treat.

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