I WANT YOUR EGG SHELLS!.....pretty please :)

Mrs. Cannon

8 Years
Apr 8, 2011
Vandalia, IL
Hi everyone! Eggsactly what the title says
And I'll tell ya why. Also, mods if this is not the right place I'm sorry

I have finally decided to go to college! I have found something I love and absolutely enjoy, Dental Assisting..... with expanded functions

I never did well in high school, teachers weren't a big help and my parents had trouble too, ( god bless em! they tried!) They told me my best hope was to ask the teacher.... again, not much help there.
I wasn't quite sure of what I wanted to do, so for 6 years I'd been serving and raising my chickens. And I've finally got into school! They called me the day school started and told me I got in! It was the best birthday gift I could've asked for.

So here I am in school and loving it- something I thought would never happen. I'm doing great and acing all my quiz's and tests ( which is a lot for me!) And I can't wait to graduate and help support my husband- who is such a hard worker and is super amazing!- and future family.

The first project we did was finding a way to present bacteria in a creative and interesting way, I put some hay in a basket and cracked some eggs and then made little yolks coming out with the bacteria in them! I never knew I was so creative! Holy Moly!
Tomorrow I will have to take a picture of it, I know my fellow chicken folk will love it!

Now..... the reason I would love your egg shells! We have another project coming up and I am DETERMINED to make a beautiful egg mosaic tooth! I have my Marans who lay beautiful eggs, but I would love every color you have! If you could spare a few I'd be in heaven! I'm only breeding my Marans right now, but I wish I had some Araucanas, or even some EEs to lay some awesome colored eggs! If anyone would be willing to send me some scrap egg shells I'd love you forever!

Please PM me if you can or email me at [email protected] and I'll give you the addy

Thank you so much!
Mrs. Cannon

PS I will try and post as often as I can but homework and 7-9 tests and quizes a week keep me pretty busy!
neat idea.. i wish mine were laying to send you some.. but they just havent started steady lay yet..
good luck with class..


Mrs. Cannon :

Hi everyone! Eggsactly what the title says
And I'll tell ya why. Also, mods if this is not the right place I'm sorry

I have finally decided to go to college! I have found something I love and absolutely enjoy, Dental Assisting..... with expanded functions

I never did well in high school, teachers weren't a big help and my parents had trouble too, ( god bless em! they tried!) They told me my best hope was to ask the teacher.... again, not much help there.
I wasn't quite sure of what I wanted to do, so for 6 years I'd been serving and raising my chickens. And I've finally got into school! They called me the day school started and told me I got in! It was the best birthday gift I could've asked for.

So here I am in school and loving it- something I thought would never happen. I'm doing great and acing all my quiz's and tests ( which is a lot for me!) And I can't wait to graduate and help support my husband- who is such a hard worker and is super amazing!- and future family.

The first project we did was finding a way to present bacteria in a creative and interesting way, I put some hay in a basket and cracked some eggs and then made little yolks coming out with the bacteria in them! I never knew I was so creative! Holy Moly!
Tomorrow I will have to take a picture of it, I know my fellow chicken folk will love it!

Now..... the reason I would love your egg shells! We have another project coming up and I am DETERMINED to make a beautiful egg mosaic tooth! I have my Marans who lay beautiful eggs, but I would love every color you have! If you could spare a few I'd be in heaven! I'm only breeding my Marans right now, but I wish I had some Araucanas, or even some EEs to lay some awesome colored eggs! If anyone would be willing to send me some scrap egg shells I'd love you forever!

Please PM me if you can or email me at [email protected] and I'll give you the addy

Thank you so much!
Mrs. Cannon

PS I will try and post as often as I can but homework and 7-9 tests and quizes a week keep me pretty busy!

I so want to see these pictures. I would love
to help also, but alas, my baby's are not laying!
Dental Assisting has been very good to me. Good Luck!!!​
I so want to see these pictures. I would love
to help also, but alas, my baby's are not laying!
Dental Assisting has been very good to me. Good Luck!!!

Thank you for the offer! My instructor needs to plan her projects around the laying season!
I just get the assortment of tan shells, right now with 1 or 2 pink here and there. If that is what you would like, I would assume they don't need to be intact, just not crushed?
Curious? Do you have to carve
the teeth out of wax? Or do they
still require that? Dental Anatomy
was so much fun!, 32 years ago!
So much has changed!
I could send you some.
Probably- 6 RIR large light brown egg shells
5-6 Sicillian buttercup pullet cream egg shells
6-12 EE pullet green egg shells

Czech'_chicks- Yes! any color would do perfectly! And if they are broken into bigger pieces maybe wrapped in a paper towel would be great because I'm going to break some anyways

Cravenchx- She may spring something like that on us! She's pretty cool. It will be a mosaic of a tooth that is cut in half or quarter- exposing the inside. I'm excited to make the dentin and pulp the most

Imp- That would be so awesome!
Lol! I will post a couple of pictures tomorrow
She is keeping it, so I will have to take a picture tomorrow at school. And if I get enough egg shells and all goes well I will definitely post a picture of the egg shell mosaic!

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