egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
oh my Lord, i need help now rosie my hen is trying to lay her first egg and it is stuck its like it went the wrong direction and is inside the skin around her bottom. i dont know what to do help please
Egg bound is dangerous to chickens which can lead to mass buildup of eggs that are stuck in the rear of hens and is fatal to chickens. So gently set her in some warm water to try to pass the egg up from her
Applying a little vegetable oil to lubricate the area wouldn't hurt either. Egg bound means the egg won't pass out of the vent. Warm baths or even sometimes putting the hen under a heat lamp can help them relax their muscles to help them pass the egg.
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I had this exact thing happen. She's more than egg bound, she's prolapsed.

First thing I did was coat the area with veg oil to keep the membranes moist, if they dry out, the skin will die and she'd be open to gangrene. Then I tried to push the egg back inside her (gently) to try to find the right "hole" to exit from, but this didn't work.

I ended up having to operate. I sanitized a razor blade, needle and thread and I opened the skin surrounding the egg (it was easy to avoid the blood vessels) and removed the egg. Acting quickly, because the membrane wanted to disappear back in her vent, I sewed the incision closed and she pulled the skin back inside. I kept her in a darkened crate for a few days for her to heal (the dark will help her not to lay eggs.) She dripped a little blood for a day, but was otherwise acting normal.

I watched for for a while. There's no cure for prolapse, so I knew if she did it again, she'd have to be culled. Oddly enough, my hen never did it again. She continued to lay eggs and live a normal life.
oh God i dont think ican do that. but that is what it is. it needs to go back inside her to come out right. i can lubricate the skin but there is no where for the egg to come out the egg is inside the skin and the egg inside the skin is hanging on her bottom
If you can't find a solution and don't want to or can't operate on her, it may be kindest to cull her. A prolapsed vent is a rather serious medical issue.

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