
12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
Foothills of Central CA
Does anyone know anything about the White Orp eggs that are on Ebay? I would love to have some White Orps, but I don't want them if they're poor quality.
I don't know anything about the ebay auctions but I have A white orp Rooster He is 24 weeks old He came from Sandhill and is supposed to be a very good quality. I think he is just beautiful if you would like to see a picture of him I could post it for you. I also have a hen.
What's the auction listing? I know there is a white orp seller on there showing pics of birds from the UK..so who knows what their birds look like.

I went back on Ebay and looked and the auction had ended, but I've seen it on there several times. I can't remember where the seller is located, either. The pic always shows someone holding a huge white roo. Oh well, I really don't need to be hatching anything else right now anyway. I'm just a sucker for Orps!!! If the seller posts again I'll ask again and see if anyone knows anything. . .
I won a white orpington auction on ebay recently from coops-coups. I am incubating the eggs right now (on day 11 - 7 eggs total...all arrived in good condition and are developing nicely so far). I can let you know how it goes if you like....

I ordered got 9 eggs all in good excellent condition, all 9 fertile, 7 hatched...2 quit, 6 doing well about 4 weeks old all feather are coming in milk white. The 7th I helped hatch and well it did not make it beyond 2 days. I am not an expert on form. This was coups-coup.

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