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Unbelievable comment from Bob about Chickens on that Herald article. I signed up there and left him a comment of my own. Whining about roosters when article stated not allowed in the cities mentioned just goes to show his mind is a garbage dump just wanting to dump off garbage onto others.
Yes Bob we should all quit our gardens and animals and eat chemicals from the store.
No promises, but usually the 3rd weekend in October... just so you can start planning
RasMama. That would be perfect timing if it happens. I like to go to Concunally fishing last part of October.
Fish are big and fight hard that time of the year. Hunters are there and normally you have the two lakes there to yourself.
We had such a hard winter here that the summer is going to be positivelly HOT!

I'm Emily btw, I live just outside of Olympia, by Summit Lake. I stay home to brainwash, oops, I mean homeschool, my kiddoes, and attempt to homestead our seven acres. Which would be a lot easier if we weren't all night people that liked to sleep in!

Wow chickens grow fast. Mine our about 7 week or so and today while we were at work was the first day I let them in the run all day with no one home. I was a nervous wreck

Got home and all nine were back in the coop just hangin out, like hey dad where you been lol....
They do grow fast, I was looking at first day in the coop pictures of mine...they were so little and scared looking! It seemed like forever before that first egg though. Once they started we have been steadily getting eggs. During the past six weeks only two days with none, and on last Sunday we had six eggs out of eight hens...I was thrilled.
Maybe this helps some of you if you buy enough?
Was at Del's in Monroe today buying some fencing.
Not sure if this happens on what ever you buy. wouldn't make sense on low cost total.

My purchase was $57.00 plus some tax but if you spend $4.00 on a Del's bucket they give you 15% off.
So by buying the bucket I saved around $4.00 after the bucket cost.

Win win for both parties. I saved some $$$ got a bucket and they have advertising going on at my place now.
Just thought I'd let y'all know that I got two surprises today. One nice surprise and one not so nice.

The nice surprise happened when I looked out the upstairs window from my office and noticed that my peahen that had been missing for about three weeks or so was out by the pumphouse - with four little peachicks following in tow.

Anyone interested in getting some peafowl? I have four that will go.

Then a few hours later, I was on the phone talking to the neighbor telling them about the peachicks when I saw a flash of brown and then one of my guineas flew off from where they were sitting on about 35 eggs. I quickly said, "I have to go.", ran downstairs, grabbed the pistol, and ran outside. Unfortunately, whether it was a coyote, bobcat, or something else, I never got another look.

Last week a coyote was standing in my driveway about 10 yards from the guinea nest. A few weeks ago, I saw a bobcat in about the same place two weeks in a row.

So far I've accounted for 4 of the 5 guineas. Not sure if whatever it was got one of my guineas or not.

Btw, I have over 40 guinea eggs in the incubator so, God willing, I'll be having quite a few keets looking for good homes before long.

Anyone interested in guineas or keets, just send me a personal email.

God Bless,
Tailfeathers. Does the peahen have a loud cry like the male? I was reading about them the other day and after reading the males scream can be as loud as a rooster that was the end of that. I think they are beautiful and would love to have one but the noise can be an issue here.
The females make a loud honking sort of sound. They don't do it that often but it's noticeable. If there wasn't a male around, or any of their chicks, or offspring, I'm not sure how often they might do that. Maybe not at all.

Btw, I can assure you that a Peacocks scream is MUCH louder than any rooster.

God Bless,
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