I blame myself.


10 Years
Apr 7, 2009
I had been so stupid, and stupidly proud of how well my oldest son (who is six) had been doing watching the chicks in the morning, in case any neighborhood cats came to try to eat them.
Then, I go out there this morning, and find out he'd decided to give them a bath, in a bucket that had a few inches of rain water in it. I didn't see what he did, but I think he was dipping them in and letting them out, because there were about 5 wet chicks running around. I scooped them up and held them on my lap for a good long time, getting them warm. It was only then that I went to check on the other chicks. They all looked fine, so I did a headcount and realized I was missing one. I looked around and found one of the Andalusian chicks laying on the ground, dead..
Only the feathers on her underbelly were slightly damp, so I assume that she either died of the shock, or got a bit of water in her lungs and drowned.

I'm very, very upset right now. My son is a gentle kid, and is very good with our other animals. He made a stupid mistake, a mistake that he wouldn't have been able to make if I hadn't let him be out alone with the chicks for 15 minutes, while I cleaned the brooder. And as a result an innocent, week old chick is dead.
Meh, it happens. its not the end of the world. Anything could have happened to that chick, it might have been the weakest in the batch and wouldnt have fared well in the long run anyhow. Whatever the case was its not the end of the world.

It doesnt make him a stupid or bad kid, or make you a horrible unattentive parent. Mistakes happen. Learning how to care for animals is very much a hands on schooling.

Give yourselves some slack and get on with your day. You'll all be alright in the long run, and not even a sparrow falls without God noticing it, so its not like the chick is forgotten by anyone.
accidents happen. use it as a learning experience for you and your son.

Accidents happen AZkat. My roommate's dog broke one of my chick's legs when she was 6 weeks old or so, so she was culled. I tell my friends that I'm very 'cycle of life' with my chickens - it makes you look at everything half full all the time.
Don't beat yourself up.
It's ok. Things happen. Your son was not trying to harm anything, merely care for them. You cannot blame for yourself for this.It's possible that this particular chick was not even one of the "bathed" ones. It may have been stepped on by the others, and there wouldn't have been anything you could have done to stop it. You have several fine healthy chicks, and your son who loves you. Take comfort for the silver lining, instead of looking at the cloud.
It's never wrong to teach children how to care for animals. Even at his young age, you should be proud of how good he is with them. Give him, and yourself a break. Stuff happens. Try not to let him feel bad about it either. It's a learning experience and nothing more. Be at peace and try to enjoy the rest of them and enjoy your son's interest in them. I wish my kids would take an interest in my chickens.
I'm sorry about your chick. Your well intended son is so sweet to want to bathe a care for the chicks. Innocent mistake. Don't blame yourself. All experiences are lifes learning lessons. And by you sharing this story with us we have a chance to learn from you and to teach our children.

Blessings to you~
:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs he really does love them1 that was sweet of him to give them a bath! he just didn't know!
so sorry for your loss!
You are doing great Mom, treat it like the survivable mistake it is. He sounds like a wonderful sweet boy, he probably feels terrible. He will need encouragement from you to trust himself again.

When you get chicks, you have to assume from the start you are going to lose some.

It will seem hard to some, but I was a little relived to have one that died within a day or two of hatching, to teach the kids how fragile they are and to expect some mortality.

Chickens just do not live forever, you know?

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