Please help, important-re: Khaki campbell-UPDATE-I ADOPTED!!!!

Hugo's bill is that color. And trust me and my poor abused shoes when I say HE is all boy!

Jennifer at CWR knows her stuff. I have seen her in action and if she told me a duck was male, I wouldn't doubt her for a second. She is just that good.
Yeah, I was paying close attention to every word Jennifer said. She even vent sexed a duck in front of me to try and find a female for me to take home with Travis. I ultimately decided on just Travis. I was very impressed with Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. The animals are very well taken care of. Saw many injured ducks and geese that obviously have good vet care. They were feeding when I was there and all the girls were busily chopping all kinds of veggies for the birds. They had many pools for them and instead of feeling sorry for them, I was glad to see that they had such a great place to live.
Thanks Sue, it was nice meeting you! It seems the girls would be the ones with the fancy hairdos but all our crested ducks are male right now

Just to fill everyone in on the sexing. Travis has green on his bill which is a big indicator he is a male. I don't think it was that easy to see in the photo. He is a juvenile so he doesn't have his drake feather in yet.

Mallards, besides the obvious a plumage color difference, can usually be sexed from the bill colors males have greenish bill and females are orange. Many of the mallard derived domestics are also the same as far as bill coloring (but not all since pekin bill colors have nothing to do with sex). Of course his male quacking was another dead giveaway too!

Male Mallard with olive green bill


Female Mallard, see how hers looks orange?

Female Rouen with orange bill

Male Rouen with green bill

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