Holiday Diner/Maggie Valley, NC Meetup: Saturday, Sept 18th


10 Years
Aug 4, 2009
Leicester, NC
Hi guys! Karen (lovemychicns) has generously offered to host an informal meetup at her brand new diner, Holiday Diner, in Maggie Valley at noon on Saturday, Sept. 18th. This will be just a casual, get-to-know-you type thing, a wonderful way to meet other WNC BYCers, welcome new folks to the area (Karen and her husband just moved down from Maryland) and support a new local business!

We're trying to get a head count so she can have a table setup, so please reply below if you plan on attending and w/ how many.

The address for the Holiday Diner is:
3253 Soco Road
Maggie Valley, NC 28751

So excited to meet everyone!
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I'll be there for sure! I need to ask hubby if he wants to go. Would my 10yr old daughter be allowed to go too (abdolutely no offense taken if everyone wants this to remain adults only)? Can't wait!!
Great! I've got PMs out to a few other folks to see if we can round up a few more to join.

TaLani, of course you can bring your daughter! Looking forward to meeting her!
Hi All

Just FYI it's Karen not Kathie and I can't wait to meet everyone!! Folks are so much nicer in NC than Maryland. Thanks for such a warm welcome.

Anyone who wants to come is welcome.


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