DISEASES OF POULTRY 10th Edition (Hard Cover BOOK) B.W. Calnek


11 Years
Jan 26, 2010
We had the opportunity to pick up a few of these Poultry Medical books and are offering the extras for sale. With very few Avian specialists this is a must have for any serious poultry breeder.

We are not encouraging self diagnosis only an active part in your poultry's health!

It is used in teaching colleges and by medical professionals and originally listed for $199, (the new edition is over $200.) There is a world of information compiled within the covers of this book. The book is not limited to chickens but covers other poultry as well.

Below is a brief description of some of the things covered in the book:
(The book pictured is covered with shrink wrap to protect the cover)

Diseases of Poultry 10 Edition Edited by B.W. Calnek
With H. John Barnes, G.W. Beard, L.R. McDougald, Y.M. Saif
Published 1997

Condition: Excellent
1080 Information filled pages

Publisher info:

The tenth edition of Diseases of Poultry is a thorough update of a sourcebook that has sold more than 57,000 copies in previous editions. Chapters by contributing experts discuss recent advances and research, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and control of avian diseases and other conditions.
The tenth edition features:

96 contributing experts, including 30 new authors and coauthors;

A new subchapter on"Avian Enteroviruslike Viruses";

A new chapter "Emerging Diseases and Diseases of complex of Unknown Etiology";

Information expanded to complete chapters that now individually address staphylococcosis, chicken infectious anemia,
and Riemerella anatipestifer infection;

Completely or substantially revised chapters, including those on colibacillosis, Salmonella infections, and viral infections;
and 414 figures, 25 color plates, and 49 tables.

Principles of disease prevention;
Nutritional diseases;
Salmonella infections; Colibacillosis; Fowl cholera; Riemerella anatipestifer infection; Tuberculosis; Infectious Coryza;
Mycoplasmosis; Campylobacteriosis; Staphylococcosis; Clostridial diseases; Bordetellosis (turkey coryza);
Chlamydiosis (psittacosis, ornithosis);
Fungal infections; Neoplastic diseases; Infectious bronchitis; Laryngotracheitis; Newcastle disease
and other avian paramyxoviridae infections; Avian encephalomyelitis; Influenza; Adenovirus infections; Pox; Duck hepatitis;
Duck virus enteritis (duck plague); Viral enteric infections; Viral arthritis; Infectious bursal disease; Chicken infectious anemia;
Other viral infections; External parasites and poultry pests; Internal parasites; Protozoa; Developmental, metabolic,
and other noninfectious disorders; Poisons and toxins; Emerging diseases and diseases of complex or unknown etiology;


Thanks for viewing and good luck!

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