
Where's my peeps?!?

Hello! We were brand-new, in spring 2011, to urban chickens. We began with: dad & mom (Jim & Sheri), 5 boys, two laying EE/Ameraucana hens, ten 'Isa Brown' chicks, a Miniature Schnauzer, one cat (and an outdoor hunter-cat next door), one cockatiel, a fish tank, and a smallish duplex. We are blessed... and overflowing at times. We were so excited to begin getting our eggs (blue, 'Easter-Egger' eggs!) from the 6-month-old hens, and to have a go at this. I (Sheri) also run an online bookstore from home (see below).  The hens were hilarious and the chicks were adorable. Sooo...

Jim did an amazing job on the coop! It even has a loft with screening on three sides... a popular place to sleep on summer evenings for the hens. We 'heated' by running a heat lamp, got a metal waterer and a heated base to put it on, and added a second heating lamp during very, very cold spells. [Also, we did board-up the windows to the coop and put a thick cloth over the opening of the door during the day/open hours - Thick enough to help with heat/wind, but not too thick for the chickens to move/push through.] We supplemented a few hours in the morning and evening with a 40-watt bulb. The chickens did well with this combination, and they laid well through the winter.
...BTW... By the fall most of our 'hens' were crowing & bullying so badly we had to get rid of them! Turned out the 'Isa Brown' hens we brought were really 'Buff Orpingtons', & only one was a hen! ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ This spring I am buying directly from a breeder, not from the farm store!
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