
Heavy duty coop

Coop design based on different ideas I got here on BYC. It may be a little bit of over kill, but with hericanes and freaky wind storms I didn't want the girls blow out to OZ.

dimensions are 16' by 6'6", hen house is 7'x6'6".
I'm really liking the concrete block footers. I was thinking of doing the same thing to keep critters from digging their way in. We don't have hurricanes here but we do have an overabundance of raccoon and coyotes.
Under the blocks is wire lath run outside the coop underground about a foot to hamper digging predators. All corners have two bolts and one bolt in the middle of each long section. in addition to that a 4' x 3/8" rebar was driven into each filled block for extra support. we have raccoon's, coyotes, and fox around here so I wanted the extra protection.

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