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Hokum Coco


I had pigeons, birmingham rollers, until something got into the cage and killed everything. Also had indian fantails, homers. The brake drum looks like a fine nest. Looks like a pheasant feather in the nesting material. I had pheasants for awhile too.
I am trying to get Indian fantails found some 12 hour drive from the house may pick a pair up when the weather is better (I live in Canada Indian name for cold). I have the brake drum lines with Styrofoam.
Man you are observant!
I have my homers mixed with pheasants (pheasants have been with them since they were peeps). No heat no light no insulation, No PROBLEMS (I have newly hatched squabs may have to devise something when they start getting larger). Sorry to hear about your predator problem sounds like a weasle or close relative. They can squeeze through a 2 inch hole..
I replied to your above post on 1/1 and just today 1/8 received an email from the powers that rule this space that I had sent it to them and not you. anyway, I'll start over.
A 2in hole is what I found in the door of the coop that my birds were in. Killed all the rollers and the fantails which were in a seperate coop. I enjoyed watching my birds perform. Every day I'm reminded of them as a flock of homers circles my house then continues on their way back to their coops.I bought a pair of indian fantails from a guy in tennessee, or kentucky. He sent them usps, in a box made just for sending pigeons or chickens. Don't remember the cost but it didn't seem like it was that much, but things do change.
I got in touch with a Judge of poultry in our local area. He said he would keep an eye out and an ear to the ground for Indian fantails. He recalls seeing them exhibited in past shows but does not recall their owners. He judges pigeons as well. I have relatives near by where I located the fantails (12 hours from home). I am just about due for a trip so this may be just the motivation to take one.
That is tragic your loss to a predator. To loose one or two birds would be bad enough. To have a complete slaughter must have been devastating. Did you re-establish your flock??
I didn't re-establish, I was so mad at what happened. I took down all the flyways that I had built, and burned the coops.
I can understand your pain. I hope you have found something else to fill that void which is as equal in value to you or even more so.

Hope this helps,
Yours truly
Hokum Coco
If you are not living for something;
You are dying for nothing.

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