Recent content by 000jude000

  1. 000jude000

    solved 4 am crowing problem

    Sounds smart--your chickens are living the good life, I see! : )
  2. 000jude000

    Comment by '000jude000' in item 'Orpington'

    What a wonderful post--the photos are amazing! Wow.
  3. 000jude000

    Comment by '000jude000' in item 'Orpington'

    What are "poo butts"? One that gets caked feces in the feathers a lot?
  4. 000jude000

    Comment by '000jude000' in item 'Orpington'

    What a great story. : )
  5. 000jude000

    Comment by '000jude000' in item 'Orpington'

    What kind of coop did you have? Are there special tips for coop construction that guard against raccoons? I am sure your coop was secure, but raccoons are very clever and very determined. I know wildlife rehabbers who do a double lining of chicken fencing with at least a six inch gap in between...
  6. 000jude000

    Guess The Breed!!! Dog Edition!!!!

    What a cool thread--I love dogs! I am new to the forum, and I don't see the credits for any of the photos or links back to the source (but I didn't look at all 535 pages)--what's the trick here for attributing credit/using photos with permission? Normally I search on Flickr for photos licensed...
  7. 000jude000

    solved 4 am crowing problem

    Interesting idea--always love hearing about diy moments of genius. I wonder how this affects the air flow since now there seems to be a less direct flow path from one open window to the other. Do prevailing winds tend to come from the direction that the open side of the bin faces? If so, it...
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