Recent content by 2MChickens

  1. 2MChickens

    PT Alpine for flies

    Amazing!! Thank you so so so much! I knew we would likely have flies but they are sooooo insane this year!! I will definitely try this!
  2. 2MChickens

    PT Alpine for flies

    Has anyone used PT Alpine on the outside of your coop and run for flies? I can’t find anything about if it’s dangerous for the chickens to eat the dead flies after they’ve been on the spray. TIA 🥰
  3. 2MChickens


    Thank you! How exciting! That first egg really is like Christmas morning! Yes so very exciting!! I haven’t had to block anything off yet. Most of the time I’m finding eggs in the nesting boxes but I have found 1 on the coop floor, 1 in the run, and 1 under my porch 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
  4. 2MChickens


    I do think I’m going to do that!
  5. 2MChickens


    More of our girls have started laying now, yay!!! But we’ve had 2 eggs like this 😔 I’m wondering if this is normal for pullets when they first start laying? If it is not, what can I do to help?? Also, is this one egg, or 2?
  6. 2MChickens


    I just cracked one of the bigger eggs yesterday and it was a double yolk! My daughters were so excited and thought it was the coolest thing ever!
  7. 2MChickens


    Thank you!!! I will finish the bag of feed we have then switch them over.
  8. 2MChickens


    Thank you so much!! I really appreciate all the helpful information! I probably will collect the shells also because when I decided to get chickens, I had no idea how invested I was going to be in every little thing they do 😂 I just love them so much!
  9. 2MChickens


    We have a pre-fab coop/run and my chickens are let out at sunrise and put themselves back up at night. We usually leave the door to the run open and the sliding door to the coop open during the day and my girls are able to get to their nesting boxes that way. I’m wondering if I need to leave the...
  10. 2MChickens


    Great, thank you!!!
  11. 2MChickens


    Okay thank you so much! I do have different breeds and 4 of the girls are about 3 weeks younger thank the rest.
  12. 2MChickens


    One of our girls laid her first egg! I am a first time chicken owner so I am very very excited!! But I also have some questions! Is it normal that it is so small? Is there anything special you have to do to first (or any) eggs? I have 11 pullets, do I need to wait until they’re all laying...
  13. 2MChickens


    Hi! I am very new to ducks! Mine are about 10 weeks old (I think) and I have one ver lethargic, not wanting to stand or walk, panting heavily but not with mouth open, wings hanging down. Help please! I’m not sure how to get the video added here 🤦🏻‍♀️
  14. 2MChickens

    How to transition from chick to layer feed?

    Did not know this! Thank you!!!
  15. 2MChickens

    How to transition from chick to layer feed?

    Oh good to no! Thank you!
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