Recent content by 4H gal

  1. 4H gal

    Dog Probs

    Well she did it again!!! My Australian Shepard killed 2 pullets and one rooster! She has never done this EVER!! And now if she is ever left by herself she is caught in action a few minutes later. I want to know if there is anyway I can break her from this habbit she has gotten in too. I need...
  2. 4H gal

    Review by '' on item 'Talking Chicken: Practical Advice on Heirloom Chickens & Eggs'

    This book is really great! I think it is one of the best chickens book I have ever read. I would recommend it to anyone!
  3. Talking Chicken:  Practical Advice on Heirloom Chickens & Eggs

    Talking Chicken: Practical Advice on Heirloom Chickens & Eggs

    Practical advice on heirloom chickens and eggs. Includes selection, breeding, raising and marketing. The diversity and fortitude of yesterday's poultry breeds make them ideal for meat and egg production for both family use or small farm commercial production. Often with quite modest space needs...
  4. Clorece


  5. My Buff Orpingtons

    My Buff Orpingtons

  6. Elenor, Bonnet, and Sounder

    Elenor, Bonnet, and Sounder

  7. Clorece


  8. Sounder and Clorece

    Sounder and Clorece

  9. Sounder


  10. Bonnet


  11. Sounder is with his ladies

    Sounder is with his ladies

  12. May, Elenor, and Gertrude, my buff orpingtons.

    May, Elenor, and Gertrude, my buff orpingtons.

  13. Elenor is just chillin it.

    Elenor is just chillin it.

  14. Clorece is just hanging out in the shed.

    Clorece is just hanging out in the shed.

  15. Sounder, what are you doing??

    Sounder, what are you doing??

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