Mom 2em All
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  • I'm so sorry I did not mean to come across as judgmental That is just a Mantra I drilled into my boys as they grew up along with don't point a gun at anything you aren't willing to destroy etc. I sincerely was trying to help as you sounded less familliar with firearms. I appologize for the misunderstanding.
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    Reactions: Sapphire Sebright
    Mom 2em All
    Mom 2em All
    nah you didnt do anything wrong.I was just peeved at the one who said " if you loved your chickens blah blah"and read them all at once. Truth is I have a 357 I left behind in Michigan when I moved, but where I live now- my boyfriends father has Alzheimers and his mother isnt stable and I would never have a firearm here no matter how locked up it was. No worries :)
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