Recent content by Acorn Hill

  1. A

    25° and light snow

    Agreed on the water heater! They went outside two weeks ago, and we've had a frost but normally don't have this kind of cold this late!
  2. A

    25° and light snow

    Coldest weather the girls have been out in yet. Wasn't supposed to be below 30°, so I didn't worry. Light snow when I walked the pups this morning. Checked on the birds, their water was frozen! I went in and flled ir with warm in the kitchen, and four of my six were outside pecking around like...
  3. A

    Hello from Pennsylvania!

    Good morning! New member from Pa. here. We have a half dozen Rhode Island Reds in our basement right now, getting bigger by the day. I'm almost done with my tractor build, so it'll be ready when they're able to go outside. Wife and I put in a pretty good sized garden each year, I wanted chickens...
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