Recent content by acoupleohens

  1. acoupleohens

    Hen Stopped Laying! Some Never Started!

    I live in Houston, Texas. It is NOT cold here at all, the lowest it ever got this year is around 35, and that was for a couple weeks or so in late December. I'm wearing shorts right now! Also, they are free range so they get light from 6 am to 7 pm. But that's only 13 hours or so, I guess.
  2. acoupleohens

    Hen Stopped Laying! Some Never Started!

    Unless I am completely blind and/or not smart, my nine month old gold sex link/gold star/gold comet hen has stopped laying completely. She went into a molt in November, so it was normal for her to stop (I assume). She hasn't started laying again even though she has stopped molting. Also, my...
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