Recent content by Acsmith8213

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    Comment by 'Acsmith8213' in article 'How To Process A Chicken At Home'

    Thank you for this step-by-step!! Working up the nerve to process my first and wondering about cutting the head off first. Why do you not do that and what are the pros and cons of doing both ways?
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    Comment by 'Acsmith8213' in article 'How To Process A Chicken At Home'

    Thank you so much for this awesome step-by-step!! I'm trying to get up the nerve (mental barriers to get over). I am curious, however, about cutting the head off. Others I've watched have gone ahead and just cut the head off so I'm wondering why you don't do that and the pros and cons of cutting...
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    Egg Laying & Heat

    Wow! That's a lot of things to get eggs. LOL We usually get 2-3 every couple of days. We've never gone this long without eggs. Only maybe a day. We do see what I think are a lot of feathers but I'm not sure what the definition of "a lot" is since we've only had them about 3 months. My husband...
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    Egg Laying & Heat

    Good morning all! I live in North Carolina and the temps are in the low 90's (thankfully not triple digits yet) and humid. Typical weather for this time of year. Our 5 hens haven't laid 1 egg in a couple of weeks. I know the heat affects them, but they are not over heated, have access to the...
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    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I have a broody hen...

    awww, poor thing. Now she's a happy hen! <3
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    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I have a broody hen...

    This hen is as stubborn as I am but hopefully I can break her. Our second coop hasn't arrived yet so don't want more just yet. LOL! :lau:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
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    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I have a broody hen...

    LOL!! Food motivated animals are so much easier!! :D I've tried to get her to come out for mealworms, clover, frozen fruit, etc. Nothing. She's as stubborn as I am! :lol: I'm afraid the other 4 hens will kill any chicks I put in there as well. I'm glad your girl got some babies to take care of!
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    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I have a broody hen...

    Thank you. We do have a Newfoundland size crate in our shed so I'll set that up when I get home on the grass.
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    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I have a broody hen...

    Yes, we were thinking about getting a couple more anyway. I'll talk to the chicken hubby about it.
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    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I have a broody hen...

    Ok. I don't know where to purchase fertilized eggs. Do you think getting a chick or two would work?
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    Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I have a broody hen...

    I have a hen that's been broody for a couple of weeks now and we have to take make her get up and go eat and drink (we're not watching her all day though). This is my first time with chickens so I'm honestly not sure what to do. There's so many ideas and opinions on-line that it's very confusing...
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    Sexing golden Comet chicks

    Ah! Ok. I don't believe this person has heritage breeds or the eggs wouldn't have been given away (just my opinion). Gosh there's so much to learn. Thank you for your help!
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    Sexing golden Comet chicks

    I got them from someone who was giving them away and said they were Golden Comet. I cannot guarantee they're 100% sex-linked since they were free off of her landlord's farm.
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    Sexing golden Comet chicks

    Thank you! I could NOT for the life of me find that thread again. I'm very new to incubating and raising chicks so I'm like a heliocopter chicken mom. LOL
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    Sexing golden Comet chicks

    I have chicks hatching in the incubator and was wondering how to tell their sex. I read somewhere the darker coloring were females and the lighter ones are male. Is there any truth to this theory? There's one with a dark stripe on it's head
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