Recent content by Ainanase1

  1. Ainanase1

    Breed questions

    She lays a olivey green eggs the orange is brown and the red is brown/cream
  2. Ainanase1

    Breed questions

    So I have three hens I do not know the breed of. When I got two of them I was told they were Easter eggers and since actually getting two of the breed I have come to find out they are not what I was told (orange and grey hens) this last one I never new it was just marked pullet. So I’m...
  3. Ainanase1

    Will not lay

    So I have this hen she’s been with me since she was a chick she’ll be a yr old next month and has yet to lay an egg I’m wondering if their might be a reason for this, she is not stressed acts normal and has not issues using the bathroom eating or drinking. I am very confused as to why she has...
  4. Ainanase1

    What breed is this?

    Yep that will definitely tell me I just feel guilty for not knowing who she is guess my best bet is to just rename her out of respect to whichever one past ):
  5. Ainanase1

    What breed is this?

    The first one was the maran as a baby the second was the orphington as a baby the last one has all of them in it (the other two are Easter eggers I know those )
  6. Ainanase1

    What breed is this?

    Honestly my maran didn’t either part of why it’s so hard for me to tell them a part the orphington has a lot of white on it at one point but when the adult feathers came in they went away
  7. Ainanase1

    What breed is this?

    I know it’s one of the two breeds I listed I knew what it was at one point just don’t know since the other was killed
  8. Ainanase1

    What breed is this?

    So I had to black chicks and something got one, and before that I could tell them a part but since the one is gone I can tell which one is still here. One was a midnight maran and the other was an orphington. Any help would be appreciated as I have named them all and feel guilty I don’t know...
  9. Ainanase1

    Gender? Olive eggers

    Thank you I was slightly confused by how fast it’s comb grew compared to the other! C:
  10. Ainanase1

    Gender? Olive eggers

    Hi , im trying to figure out the gender of one of my olive eggers (the one with the red comb/waddles) their both about six’s months old ( will be the Friday after next). neither have laid eggs yet which I know is normal I have two leghorn hens that have yet to lay eggs which I got the same day...
  11. Ainanase1

    What breed is this?

    Thank you I was very confused that’s looks a lot more like them! Thank you
  12. Ainanase1

    What breed is this?

    Slightly confused I got 2 guineas from tractor supply back in April this is the first time I’ve raised these birds. But right now they are about five months old and they do not look like pictures I see online of guineas just trying to see if they are in fact guineas and if not what they are? I...
  13. Ainanase1

    Looking for imformation

    Hi I’m look for information on what genders two of my chickens are I know their bantams I think polish but I’m not sure you you know for sure I would love the info. I think the browns one is a rooster not sure on the gray one, the brown one is Afro and the gray one is Mohawk C:
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