Recent content by AK BartGirl

  1. AK BartGirl

    Make it stop!!!!!

    Ugh now they have all decided to start pecking at the walls of the cardboard box! Sometimes they get quiet and lay down and then I move and they start it all up again!!
  2. AK BartGirl

    Make it stop!!!!!

    I have 5 chicks. I can't make them sleep!! They are in my room and I can't make them stop chirping and cheeping! It's driving me insane!! Please give me advise on how to make them sleep!
  3. AK BartGirl

    Vote for the best kind of chick... that I have...

    Keep the Amber, Bantams, and the Easter Eggers. They are great!
  4. AK BartGirl

    I need names...

    Well I named the WPRs hokey and pokey... I can't tell them apart. I named one of the EEs triscuit and another one victoria ( my little sister picked that name ) I don't know what to name the other EE and the BSLs. I love funny names... That don't make sense
  5. AK BartGirl

    I need names...

    I have 10 chicks... hens. I need names. I have 5 black sex links, 3 easter eggers, and 2 white plymouth rocks. They are all a week old and have no names! these are the EEs and the WPRs. I don't have pics of the sex links.
  6. AK BartGirl

    Pics Of My Chicks!

    Okay so this is my pic... I'll post more once i get the hang of it. The three brown once are Easter Eggers and the two yellow/white ones are White Plymouth Rocks.
  7. AK BartGirl

    How do I...

    I want to post pics of my new chicks. But I can't figure out how to! Please help!!!
  8. AK BartGirl

    Is it okay to feed them meal worms...

    I just got 5 new chicks. They are 6 days old. Is it okay for me to feed them meal worms or other treats? And I have heard about grit. What is it? Thanks for your feedback.
  9. AK BartGirl

    MPC orders shipping April 12th. CUTE PICS!!

    This just in. I might get my chicks today!!!! I'm going to get 5 Black Sex-Links, 3 Easter Eggers, and 2 White Plymouth Rocks!!!!! I can't wait till 4:15!!!
  10. AK BartGirl

    MPC orders shipping April 12th. CUTE PICS!!

    I get my chicks on thursday!!! It's going to be the longest two days ever!!! Cute pics by the way! My chicks are going to be sooo cute. I'm getting 5 Black Sex-Links, 3 Easter Eggers, and 2 White Plymouth Rocks!
  11. AK BartGirl

    What does the Comb do??

    I know what the comb is on a chicken, I just don't know what it does. And do the different types do anything. I've heard of the pea comb, single comb, v-shaped, cushion, and others. Is there a signifacant difference? Does the difference matter? Thanks for the feed back!
  12. AK BartGirl

    HI from Eagle River Alaska!

    Wow there are alot of people from Alaska on here... Well hi from Wasilla I'm new here too so anyway hi!
  13. AK BartGirl

    I'm new at this...

    Thanks for your advice!! I'm going to get medicated chick starter for my chicks. Oh and thanks for the warm welcome! This place is very friendly
  14. AK BartGirl

    I'm new at this...

    I don't know what to feed the chicks I'm goning to get. I heard of chick starter and other stuff but, I don't know whats best. I could use the advice on what is best for chicks. Thanks for the feedback!
  15. AK BartGirl

    Heat Lamp Question

    So metal is better?
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