Aki no niwatori


I just acquired 3 something acres in Georgia and I am rebuilding my flock after 7 years without a feather. I have sorely missed raising poultry and now that I am the owner of my own land I hope to not only raise some great quality birds but also have a chance to experiment with breeds and other species I have not raised before.

I started out my bird adventure when I was 7 with two mystery ducks from Tractor Supply and 50 hens I shared with my sister as a part of a 4-H project. Sadly a lot went wrong in those early years but I soon had my own personal flock of ducks and one escapist chicken. One of my ducklings died and I replaced it with a female Welsh Harlequin and ended up producing at least 36 hatched offspring and likely more if I had intervened and incubated the eggs myself. I later added some more wayward ducks and chickens but sadly at 10 years old my original mating pair took off to the sky and I slowly sold off the remaining few as I prepared to go off to college.

Now I am starting off with three hens from Tractor Supply and a whole lot of others from Hatcheries. As of 4/15/23 I hope to be starting afresh with 31 total birds and a brand-new coop.

I also garden and am an avid reader. If you want to see more pics of my flock or my garden. Find me on Tiktok or Insta @PaulieParakeet.
Georgia, Upson
Why do you want to join our community?
I used to show and raise poultry and I am rejoining the flock with the acquisition of land in Ga.




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