Recent content by AlaskanKerri

  1. AlaskanKerri

    I'm Kerri and I'm in Alaska

    I just incubated my first eggs and I'm On day 23 and nothing has hatched and a float test on one and did an eggtopsy and I need some help finding out when it died and what everything in the picture means!!
  2. AlaskanKerri

    Having trouble with temp/humidity in incubator

    Every thread has to be approved by moderator??? I am new to this and need help with a question.
  3. AlaskanKerri

    Having trouble with temp/humidity in incubator

    I am in day 23 and no eggs hatched and I did a float test and one sank immediately so I preformed an eggtopsy Andy one familiar with this and can look at 2 pictures to tell me about when and why it died?
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