Recent content by alb777

  1. alb777

    Got rid of rooster, hens stopped laying

    Hi there, I have 4 hens (22 weeks old) that have been laying for about a month. We got rid of our roosters 2 days ago and haven't got any eggs yet today. Normally we would have 4 by nos. Wondering if this is a coincidence? Thanns
  2. alb777

    Sexing 8 week old chicks

    Suspected pullet
  3. alb777

    Sexing 8 week old chicks

    Suspected cockerel 2:
  4. alb777

    Sexing 8 week old chicks

    Hi there These chicks were born Easter Sunday so they're just over 8 weeks old 2 suspected cockerels in the bunch of 6 birds. Suspected cockerel 1: Any help would be great! Thanks
  5. alb777


    Hi there, I'm new to BYC... Any others from Ontario!?! ;)
  6. alb777

    New chicks (week old) unsexed..any guess

    Lol you are right about the cute part! Okay, thanks will do... Am a newbie at this!
  7. alb777

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    [/IMG][/IMG][/IMG] Our one week old baby chicks we got today and their 100 pound guard dog! Lol
  8. alb777

    Help sex these chicks

    Getting these 6 chicks on Sunday. They were born April 5th. Parents are both sex links. Any guesses ?
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