Recent content by amandabo

  1. amandabo

    what kind of roo is this?[/img]
  2. amandabo

    sick pullets

    ran to the farm store and got the sulmet 12.5% and started them on it. they are 8 to 12 weeks old so don't know how it will do. I started my hens and roosters on it too just as a precaution, I'm guessing that is ok. I pulled out 5 that look really bad. Will cross our fingers and hope the...
  3. amandabo

    sick pullets

    I noticed some bloody poo in my pullets coop this morning so I immediately raked it out and started them on duramyicin. My questions is how do I disinfect their coop? It has a dirt floor. Would it be ok to mix bleach and water and spray it around? is duramycin the right thing to use for this...
  4. amandabo

    momma hen

    I had asked last week about my new momma hen and her new chicks and everyone was very helpful. I have to say I am surprised at how fiercely she watches over them. I tell you she is mean when it comes to those babies. I had to move her to another coop and she attacked me while I was catching...
  5. amandabo

    hatching--new baby help

    for how long? can you tell I am really new to this? One of them fell out of the next box and thankfully my husband found it before it stayed there to long. Any help would be appreciated. thanks
  6. amandabo

    hatching--new baby help

    I let my momma hen brood three eggs and they hatched today. should I go ahead and take them from her or will she be able to take care of them herself? I am afraid my other chickens might hurt them.
  7. amandabo

    lamp on my chicks

    how old should be chicks be before they no longer need the light on them? do they need to be feathered out before they are safe? I still have them inside but don't know if they still need the light. thanks
  8. amandabo

    feeding scratch to chicks

    I have 2 baby chicks someone gave me that are about 2 weeks old. thought I might throw little scratch in their box to keep them busy but didn't know if they were too young for it. how old should they be before I start giving them scratch?
  9. amandabo

    cat food

    is cat food really bad for chickens? i got a case free today and thought I might feed it to my hens but I want to be sure it is not bad for them
  10. amandabo

    crusty beak

    I have a hen that does not act ill but her beak is nostrils are crusty. I haven't heard her sneaze and she doens't act ill. Should I be concerned? I have one other hen that has been sneazing but not discharge from nose/beak.
  11. amandabo

    new chickens

    I uploaded 2 pictures of my new ladies but can't seem to get them where they need to go. any help available[/img] here? guess I sort of figured it out
  12. amandabo

    new chickens

    they are hens and I am a newbie to this chicken thing so I'm not sure of the breed. I know the ones I have are RIR and Dominique. These new ones are solid black. Even their feet are black.
  13. amandabo

    new chickens

    I know they can be picky but when will my new chickens get used to us and start laying for us. They are 9 months old.
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