Recent content by Amy S. TX

  1. Amy S. TX

    ComeJoin Duck club!!

    Nurture Right 360, I joined a FB group called "The Incubator Club "Hatchaholics Anonymous"" the group has some great ideas for people new to hatching, diy incubators, and some very elaborate large capacity incubators. Now I just need to decide which hatchery to get eggs from lol
  2. Amy S. TX

    ComeJoin Duck club!!

    CAN I JOIN? I want to join duck club! I have a Welsh Harlequin and a Cayuga (he may be a mix, idk). I first got only 2 ducks last July and now I have an incubator in my Amazon cart LOL. So now I for now I have 2 ducks and 9 chickens, soon to be more! I love their cute running waddles and...
  3. Amy S. TX

    New Chicken Mama

    I am a new chicken mama as of July 2017. I purchased 2 cream leghorns and a bantam. The cream leghorns are about 6 mo now, just waiting on eggs, and the bantam is older not egg laying but my 6 yr old daughter had to have her too. This past Sunday I got 6 baby chicks from Tractor Supply. I...
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