Recent content by andreaj48

  1. andreaj48

    The rare Korean Yeonsan Ogye

    I think they look like pullets and look up the forum on ayam/kedu cemani, theres a pic of something like this there
  2. andreaj48

    Ayam Cemani's: Questions About The U.S.'s Most Expensive Chicken

    Hello, we breed ayam cemani in Illinois, but there is a lot of controversy with this breed. We have bred for now going on our second year, and we just started getting feather leakage, which is the silver streaking in the feathers of the neck and wings. Well, I have been told and learned that...
  3. andreaj48

    Ayam Kedu/Cemani

    Can you tell me the source of all this information? I may have the dragon bone cemani
  4. andreaj48


    They are Stagecoach Poultry and Sandy Crest Farms they basically go back to gff
  5. andreaj48


    We breed Ayam Cemani, and we are going into our second year. They are not known to lay well, but we only had a lull during molt. Just a little lull when it was real cold, but it didnt stay cold long here. We have never lost one to the cold, and we are in Illinois. They are not known to be...
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