
Hello, I am new on this site and to chickens and I love reading and educating myself.
It has been a great support in my first few months of chickens, including incubating and raising my little chicks.
I want to thank everyone who made a contribution here.
I have become quite obsessive over the last couple of months, when I started to decide which breeds to get and to raise.
I have currently 2 adult chickens, which I inherited when I moved to the country side, 5 Marans hatched mid September 2018 and 4 Buff Sussex hatched end of September 2018.
I am currently in the process of trying to find out how many pullets and how many cockerels I have..
November 18
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Why do you want to join our community?
I am new in chicken breeding



  1. 10

    Anniversary: 4 Year

    4 years older and wiser too? Congrats on 4 years with us!
  2. 10

    Anniversary: 3 Year

    WOOT! Happy 3 year anniversary!
  3. 10

    Anniversary: 2 Year

    Time flies when you're having fun! Happy 2 year anniversary!
  4. 10

    Anniversary: 1 Year

    Wow, it's been a year already!?! CONGRATS!!
  5. 5

    Reactions Given: 10

  6. 5

    Messages: 10

    10 messages posted. You're getting use to things around here!
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    Reactions Received: 10

    Your messages have been positively reacted to 10 times!
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    Has An Avatar

    You have an avatar!
  9. 3

    Anniversary: 1 Month

    You have been a member of BYC for one month, we hope you've been enjoying it here!
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    Reactions Given: 1st

    You reacted to something posted by another member!
  11. 2

    Anniversary: 1 Week

    Congrats on your first week as a member of our community!
  12. 2

    Reactions Received: 1st

    Somebody out there reacted to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
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    Messages: 1st

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
  14. 1

    Started 1st Thread

    You created a thread in our community, good job!
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