Recent content by AskelFarm

  1. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Thanks for posting this! As I read it, this is the first Mich has recognized CSA farms under the heading of 'Farmers Markets'. This is good news! Community Supported Agriculture or CSA is a marketing strategy in which a farm produces vegetables for a group of farm members or subscribers who...
  2. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    shadygrove: COOOOL! Finally someone listened. Persistence paid off. Im curious as to where you live in the U.P.? Send me an email [email protected]. It seems that shaking the trees with the proper stick may have worked.
  3. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Angelb....yes, find a lawyer and stick it to them! Welcome to 'MY' neighborhood !
  4. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    My first reply to the "Homeowners Assn" would be write a letter simply stating that you are in compliance with MRTFA and will continue with your chickens. Provide copies of MRTFA in the letter. Demand they cease their illegal action, they are in violation of state law, and threaten them with a...
  5. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Quote: Thank you sir for your reply. I guess what I was thinking was that with this document (EIN), you could provide a copy to the 'powers that be' to show you are in business and intend to make a profit. It seems unless you provide something in writing, for them to put in their hands, they...
  6. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Here is the IRS page to help you determine if you have a business or a hobby. I think if you can answer the basic questions and then get your EIN, it pretty much answers the requirement of MRTFA as you are a business for profit. According to the IRS, if you have an EIN you are a business and...
  7. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Here is another link every farm should have:,,id=102767,00.html You can apply for and receive your EIN (Federal Tax Number) on line and get it as soon as you complete the app. You are in business and it didnt cost you a thing!
  8. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Well, it just seems to me that you have done all you can from your end. If I was driving the posted speed limit for a given area, I would have no expectations of getting pulled over and cited. It wouldnt matter how many cops with radar guns pointed at me that I pass. If I wasnt doing...
  9. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    I was sitting here reading and thinking.......I guess the 'friendly farmer' approach just doesnt work in all cases. Some rock head local politicians seem to think that all the power and glory they were granted by the voters is absolute. They are above and beyond the law. I guess I am just a...
  10. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    MRTFA States the following: (6) Beginning June 1, 2000, except as otherwise provided in this section, it is the express legislative intent that this act preempt any local ordinance, regulation, or resolution that purports to extend or revise in any manner the provisions of this act or...
  11. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Jefpaul: Maybe they are reading the info you you gave them. They may just see the error of their ways. Keep us posted. Yes, they may TRY and impose a fine, but the law is on your side. Shadygrove: send them all the info (if you havent done that already). This will cost you NOTHING according to...
  12. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    jefpaul: I personally feel you are on the right track. Of course, I'm not a lawyer, just a farmer. I would like to think that a 'nice' letter along with copies of the references (ie: MRTFA, and court rulings) by certified mail would be the first sensible choice. I look at thing like this as we...
  13. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Read this forum. Educate yourself as to Michigan law (all found in this forum). All the info you need is here. Every aspect concerning zoning etc is contained in this forum. Slow down and take a deep breath........the law is on your side.
  14. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    We also own a farm in the U.P. Here is sect 6 of Michigan Right to arm Act. (6) Beginning June 1, 2000, except as otherwise provided in this section, it is the express legislative intent that this act preempt any local ordinance, regulation, or resolution that purports to extend or revise...
  15. AskelFarm

    Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

    Talk to a tax advisory/accountant. They can tell you all the ins and outs of what records you should/need to keep, taxes etc......dont rely on info that is second hand. They can advise you on LLC's / business licenses etc with up to date professional accuracy. Most accountants want your business...
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