Recent content by asturgill

  1. asturgill

    Sexing RIRs

    I read in one of the other posts that it may be possible to sex RIRs at an early age. I believe they said that no tale feathers meant roos and if it had tail feathers pullets? I have 6 RIRs that are not quite 2 weeks old. Can anyone shed some light on this subject???
  2. asturgill

    New to all this!!

    Thought I'd post some updated pics!! The last pics I took a week ago yesterday. Look how they have changed in just a week. Crazy!! Any guesses on the genders? Posted them in the same order as they were in the first post. Two pics per chick body and head shots. My kids named them. Not...
  3. asturgill

    What kind of duck and chicken??

    The ducks look like the Mallard duckling we have. I've never seen the other breed of duck you mentioned since I'm new to all this Pic of our Mallard
  4. asturgill

    Ok new babies!! Color and breed guesses?

    Just looked up the Sultans!! I'd be very happy with those also!! I just love the suprise factor it all this!!! I am so happy with all my finds!!
  5. asturgill

    Ok new babies!! Color and breed guesses?

    The black one does not have feathered legs!! They are dark (slate?) color with pink toes.
  6. asturgill

    Ok new babies!! Color and breed guesses?

    hey melissa my hubby might want to send one to ya!! But he'll have to over my dead body!! LOL!! I love it too much!!!
  7. asturgill

    Ok new babies!! Color and breed guesses?

    The 2 I thought were silkies:( do have 5 toes but legs are pink any suggestions on what they are?? #2 foot #3 foot has 5th toe but not as pronounced as the other ones Hope this helps!
  8. asturgill

    Ok new babies!! Color and breed guesses?

    I had to go to TSC today. I wouldn't call it a mistake but I came home with 6 more chicks from the assorted banum bin. After seeing so many other colors on here when I saw these I couldn't pass them up. I am now totally addicted. Anyone want to guess one what colors and breed they are?? I do...
  9. asturgill

    any idea what these bantams are?*5 weeks pics added pg 2

    Our local TSC is getting more Bantums tomorrow!! I can't wait!! Going in as soon as I can to see what new colors they will have!!! Wich me luck on finding a different one (or 2 or 6)!!! lol
  10. asturgill

    New to all this!!

    Thx bawk!!! I hope someone helps me identify them!!
  11. asturgill

    New to all this!!

    Hi eveyone!! I absolutly love this website and Forum. I am toatlly new to the whole chick and duck thing. I have found so much valuable info. from here. We went to our local TSC and picked out 7 chicks and 2 ducks. We got them from the assorted batum brooder. If anyone can help me identify...
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