Recent content by aussieaddict

  1. aussieaddict

    New to List from No. Colorado

    WOW, Thanks for ALL the great welcomes. Nice to be here. Hope to learn and help others to help their cats/dogs be healthier with RAW diet info. AussieAddict
  2. aussieaddict


    Hi Dances with Wolves, I would think that the raccoon had DISTEMPER. But I would keep your dog in a quarantine. NO playing/handling it anymore. For at least 10 days. The chances of a dog coming up with Rabies is fairly low...unless the raccoon actually truly HAD rabies. What state do you...
  3. aussieaddict

    New to List from No. Colorado

    Hi all, This is a first time for me, I live in Northern Colorado with a menagerie of animals. I have had a flock of Orpington Chickens for many, many years. I currently have 12 Buff Orps and one older Gold Laced Wyandotte hen. I am interested in replacing some Blue Orps...either...
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