Recent content by battle drone

  1. battle drone

    Boys VS Girls

  2. battle drone

    for $10 would you?

    yes for$10 would you go up to a random person and hi grandma?
  3. battle drone


    i set that whale on fire
  4. battle drone

    for $10 would you?

    yes for $10 would you say to every person you see "do i know you?"
  5. battle drone

    The 2nd Rate the signature of the person above you!

    i love the hobbit! 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
  6. battle drone

    for $10 would you?

    yes for $10 would you fly an air plane?
  7. battle drone

    for $10 would you?

    yes for $10 would you eat all the ice cream in your house?
  8. battle drone

    The 2nd Rate the signature of the person above you!

    i like it all but the last part 5
  9. battle drone

    for $10 would you?

    yes for $10 would you eat paper?
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