Recent content by BBStacker

  1. BBStacker

    Rooster Died - What about the flock?

    Thanks Free Spirit. I'll definitely look into all those. My plan for now (til better educated) is to wait until January to get an adult rooster if my hens aren't dying from disease and the problem shows to be isolated to the rooster. Thanks for the materials. BBS
  2. BBStacker

    Rooster Died - What about the flock?

    My rooster was found very lethargic and unresponsive on Wednesday. I picked him up (never let's me near him otherwise) and placed him in a warm section of our coop (relatively warm outside anyways) with food and water next to him. I checked on him at note (same story) then in the morning...
  3. BBStacker

    First challenge by alpha rooster.

    Tornado is now with a new flock. On the other side of the coin, one of my three hens is standing up as alpha and pecking at my husband and me. Thunder (former beta) will at most do the wing drop but back off as soon as I take the challenge and reach for him. Flower is actually the one...
  4. BBStacker

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 10/05/2015 - Pic by Holza98

    No! Don't go in there! It's not safe! Don't you see the chain saws and pitchforks hanging there? YOU IDIOT! HE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU! (Thought: Why do I always expect these horror movies to turn out differently?)
  5. BBStacker

    First challenge by alpha rooster.

    I got word from my friend that Tornado (the alpha rooster)didn't hack it at his new home. The would be new family has three turkies along with the rest of his animals and chicken flock. Tornado kept picking a fight with them so my friend took him in to his flock of chickens. He hates his...
  6. BBStacker

    First challenge by alpha rooster.

    Don't know if this post is considered old but there is an update: I quit manhandling the alpha (Tornado) and made up my own version of the wing dance to use every time he danced toward me. He has not attacked me since. Seems to get along charmingly with the Beta and the hens just fine. I do...
  7. BBStacker

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 09/21/2015 - Pic by Mr Beaks

    Chicken Little: "See I told you the sky was falling! That's what you get for not listening Skittle Butt!"
  8. BBStacker

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 09/21/2015 - Pic by Mr Beaks

    See Chanticleer and friends in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" - performed at a theater near you.
  9. BBStacker

    ENDED - WINNER ANNOUNCED - Official BYC Caption Contest - 09/07/2015 - Pic by Peepchirpquack

    Thanks everybody! These are fun! Love the pics and ideas!
  10. BBStacker

    Rooster attacking mother hen

    At least a knife to cut the meat off his bones. :-) I'm keeping an eye out for signs like this too. Got 2 roos and 3 hens. The alpha and I fought enough for me to decide to give him away to another flock but beta left me alone (doing wing dance around me now too). Still haven't gotten an...
  11. BBStacker

    First challenge by alpha rooster.

    Just curious, could his wing drop be a way of flirting? I see it in his interaction with the hens.
  12. BBStacker

    First challenge by alpha rooster.

    With the decision already getting closer to axe alpha, what's a good rooster breed to blend with production reds/RIRs that isn't as likely to turn human aggressive (I've been watching for human aggression since I heard their breed is aggressive) if beta turns too? Beta is starting to show the...
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