Recent content by Bdunnam

  1. B

    EE experts!

    I have EE pullets that look just like those. All good 😊
  2. B

    New chicken to flock

    Beautiful birds!! They both look like roosters to me, but I'd lean on the experts for that determination. Now I will be on the lookout for this type of mix 😍
  3. B

    Ameraucana or EE?

    Darn! Well at least I am allowed to keep one, probably the darker one. Will have to rehome the others 😣
  4. B

    Ameraucana or EE?

    I got these chicks from a breeder as Ameraucanas. They look more EE to me. Plus, one of the 5 I got does not have the puffy cheeks and beard. She is the only female pictured. They all looked very similar as adolescent chicks, which differs from other batches of EEs I have bought in the past...
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