Recent content by Beecht

  1. Beecht

    Have you ever wanted to just pick up and move?

    2 years ago in October I up and left Phoenix for my rural little 5 acre place in Eastern Oregon! Life has never been sweeter.... 60 chickens, 3 pigs, 1 goat and 5 dogs... Life is good!!
  2. Beecht

    She has been a hen for a year nad now is looking like a roo

    Joe was a very mean agressive, did i mention mean, roo. I can understand another roo hiding out from him, heck I hid out from him.... I think this transgender chicken lays.. I have 18 birds and get between 12-18 eggs a day... I just assumed on the 18 egg days that each chicken gave me one egg, I...
  3. Beecht

    She has been a hen for a year nad now is looking like a roo

    Thank you for the answers. I was a bit freaked at this change in her.... as long as she doesn't get agressive, I'm ok with a transgender chicken...
  4. Beecht

    She has been a hen for a year nad now is looking like a roo

    I got my chickens well over a year ago... I had one roo, Joe, he was a very mean and nasty barred rock that tried to kill me on more than one occasion. I finally had to eat him... the rooster dinner was about 3 months ago.... Now one of my "hens", also a barred rock, is looking like a roo... her...
  5. Beecht


    Shouting out to all my Oregon Peeps... I am in Halfway and getting my first chicks in about a month! I am stoked! Terrie
  6. Beecht

    I am New here and getting my first chicks!

    Oh Yea! I think I am going to like it here. about the boys, I do want to raise them and eat them... but do I need to keep them away from the girs? and will it be obivious they are the boys when they are older?? Oreder more eh... I thought I was doing good to order 12 and find out I will...
  7. Beecht

    I am New here and getting my first chicks!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I just ordered my first chicks today.... they will ship on 5/27 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I ordered 12 pullets and found out they ship with an additional 10 males for warmth (3) What breeds do you have? I...
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