Recent content by bejam

  1. bejam

    Moving hen and new baby chicks

    I have to say this new mother hen business can be quite stressful, but what a relief when everything goes well, as well as can be expected I guess. Out of eight eggs only three hatched, only one was a full egg unhatched—I shook it and it was liquid inside—the others were decimated, four of...
  2. bejam

    Moving hen and new baby chicks

    Cool. Now the issue is one chick has hatched (24 hours ago) and the other eggs which I can't see, have not hatched. Will she eventually abandon the nest for this one baby chick when the others haven't hatched?
  3. bejam

    Moving hen and new baby chicks

    Thanks! At what point in the day or how many hours after the first chick emerges can I assume any other eggs won't hatch if they have not already?
  4. bejam

    Moving hen and new baby chicks

    Today our baby chicks are hatching! We’re first timers and have only had our coop since the summer. Four Orpintons. One went broody so we got her some fertile eggs of the same breed. They are in a raised hen house with a steep ramp to the ground that is also enclosed. The three other hens come...
  5. bejam

    "Where am I? Where are you!"

    Anyone in Thurston County, WA in the Roy, McKenna, Yelm, Rainier or Tenino corridor? Am looking for fertile eggs to swap under my broody hen who is sitting on unfertile eggs as of late last week. Would like her to hatch, preferably Buff Orpingtons...but any will do. Thanks, Janice
  6. bejam

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Thanks! I'll look for other neighbors online.
  7. bejam

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Hello everyone. Is this still a live thread? Questions about broody hen: I obtained four full grown Buff Orpingtons from a neighbor with a rooster approximately 8 weeks ago. Six days ago, my best layer went broody. Since I want chicks I asked the neighbor if he could swap me a few fertile eggs...
  8. bejam

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Just got our flock today, four large buffs from a larger flock. We named them after yellow flowers, or flowers that can be yellow: Dandy, Tulip, Buttercup and Rose. We're such newbies at this, but excited!
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