Recent content by betsycam

  1. betsycam

    Egg-bound duck!

    Just wanted to follow up. I put the duck back with the flock since her attitude was good. It took about a month but she finally started laying eggs again! Then she disappeared and I thought she was dead! She reappeared to eat and take a bath, so had been hiding out, and she's been at that...
  2. betsycam

    Hot weather, really bad output!

    Tried to do my personal details (location) but then it wouldn't let me submit, said I had to fill in all the mandatory fields, which weren't indicated! I'm located in Orange Cove, CA which is in the San Joaquin Valley. Today our high was 104 :-( We are having a 10 day stretch of triple digit...
  3. betsycam

    Hot weather, really bad output!

    I saw the thread for someone who just brought home new hens, albeit older, that weren't laying well, and the move could certainly stop the laying, but I have five hens and it has been so bad that I thought they were hiding eggs on me! They are 2 to 3 years old and I know age can affect the...
  4. betsycam

    Egg-bound duck!

    I wondered about the scar tissue or something along those lines. If she can't open up to let eggs pass then that's pretty much it for her. I could keep her in the hospital cage for the night and keep it covered so she comes into light later than the others, see if that works.
  5. betsycam

    Sick chicken - help!

    Success! The crop emptied overnight and her poops are back to firmer mounds! Looks like it was cocci and the toltrazuril did the trick! So glad I had that on hand! I got mine here: 100 ml available here...
  6. betsycam

    Sick chicken - help!

    No, the crop did not empty overnight. I kept food from her overnight to see if it would empty. She did drink water. I put food in with her, flockraiser mash, and she spilled it so I wasn't sure if she ate any. So, I offered her some pieces of lasagna noodle, bits of whole wheat bread and...
  7. betsycam

    Sick chicken - help!

    I think she is about 2 years old. No rattling or discharges of nose/eyes. Wheezing, maybe, only noticed when holding her trying to doctor her. Just checked and massaged her crop and it is smaller, soft, golf-ball sized?
  8. betsycam

    Sick chicken - help!

    Bump! So, this morning I didn't think she had eaten so tube fed her some but discovered that her crop was mushy so hadn't emptied from last night's feed! I'm new to this so forgot that I should have checked her crop before feeding! I left her with food and water since I was gone for the day...
  9. betsycam

    Sick chicken - help!

    Just treated for cocci with Baycox in the event that is it. Should I treat with antibiotics, too? I hear a slight wheeze. Haven't heard back from anyone so I guess I will go ahead and give Biomycin and tube feed.
  10. betsycam

    Egg-bound duck!

    Thank you. I haven't gone after the egg, yet. Was going to yesterday but need help, was alone. She spent the day with her buddies acting like a normal duck, but that egg is still in there. I felt the cloaca of a healthy girl and it is much more open and pliable than this girl's, which is...
  11. betsycam

    Sick chicken - help!

    So, as if an egg-bound duck weren't enough on my plate, I discovered I have a sick chicken today! I have a box the girls lay eggs in in our shop, and today I noticed this girl sitting in the box later in the afternoon, not a good sign When I've had girls stay in the box all day and night I've...
  12. betsycam

    Egg-bound duck!

    Well, she's still with me, strong and loud! Other than not eating far as I can tell, she acts fairly normal, hops in her tub and floats around. Tube feeding her, not sure what to give her that way. Still fishing bits of shell out of her with the 2nd egg sitting there. Thinking I'm going to...
  13. betsycam

    Egg-bound duck!

    Crap, I checked again and the egg had broken, not sure if I caused that somehow but now I am dealing with the prospect of egg yolk peritonitis too? I forged ahead and got the bulk of the shell out of her. It was ugly and horrible for the poor thing. Still the other egg in there. I'm sure that...
  14. betsycam

    Egg-bound duck!

    I did do another calcium shot on Wednesday, and yesterday I tube fed her with a mix of yogurt, an egg yolk, bone broth powder (which has calcium), some electrolytes and some calcium gluconate added. When I've injected her, I gave her with 575 mg which is high by some advice on her, or not...
  15. betsycam

    Egg-bound duck!

    I didn't speak directly to the vet - a friend has a vet friend she consulted and that vet friend consulted the avian vet. It sounded complicated with anesthesia to knock her out, so I'm thinking abdominal surgery, not just breaking the egg and trying to extract the shell. I have contemplated...
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