Recent content by BGChkn

  1. BGChkn

    2 Young Pekin Ducks need a home in MD/DC/VA Area

    Does anyone live in the MD area and have an available spot for two young Pekin ducks? I believe one is a male and one is a female. Please let me know if someone is interested. They are both in good health :)
  2. BGChkn

    GREAT NEWS in Montgomery County, MD!

    This is wonderful news! I was hoping someone on this thread might have information on whether or not I can keep a backyard flock in Boyds, MD. It is technically considered an agricultural reserve (so one would think this includes livestock). However, through numerous searches and phone calls I...
  3. BGChkn

    Hens not laying

    Hello Backyard Chicken peeps. I have been a member for a year or so but have not used the forum yet. However, I am having a problem with two of my hens, a Rhode Island Red and an Americauna. They are both about 6 months old and still not laying. All of the hens I have had in the past have begun...
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