Recent content by bjengel

  1. bjengel

    Does Sand In Coop Freeze In Winter?

    Quote: Do you mind me asking what type of sand you use - do you use regular "sandbox" play quality sand, or do you use the course "river sand"?
  2. bjengel

    Does Sand In Coop Freeze In Winter?

    The reason I am thinking of putting sand in the coop is because most people that I've seen post on here say that it tends to be less dusty and it has a easier clean up (scoop poop out just like a big litter box) With my shed being half coop and have shed (storing for lawn-mower, shovels...
  3. bjengel

    Does Sand In Coop Freeze In Winter?

    Moisture won't be a problem, I have the coop plenty ventilated, etc.......................... I'm just more worried of the sand freezing inside the coop just due to the cold temperatures.
  4. bjengel

    Does Sand In Coop Freeze In Winter?

    I am in the final stages of building my coop - I finished up the nest boxes last night, I'll finish the roosts tonight and then I'm going to paint the interior so make it easier to clean. My coop is a 6'-0" x 12'-0" enclosed addition off of my shed. I would like to put sand down as...
  5. bjengel


    Just to update everybody - my chicks are 2 weeks old today and all 8 of them are still doing fantastic. I've really noticed a huge increase in their appetite the last couple of days. I went from having to refill their feeder every 3 days or so, to now having to refill their feeder every...
  6. bjengel


    Quick question for all you chicken veterans out there: What do you have on the floor inside your coop? - as I stated previously, I currently have (8) 1-week old chicks in my brooder and this is the first time I've ever had chickens. There is a 6'-0" x 12'-0" addition onto the back of my...
  7. bjengel


    Quote: - oh boy, I can just see it now a automatic/timer pop door version designed for nest boxes coming down the line!!!
  8. bjengel


    Well, I promised pictures earlier, here they are: The whole group: chick 1 - I believe these are Black Austrolorps: chick 2 - Any ideas on what this is? I'm hoping maybe Buff Orpington?? so far all of them are doing great and they are such a riot to watch and interact with. - Brian
  9. bjengel


    Quote: Farmer Andy, thanks for the insight - I just did a search for Black Australorp and yep, that is definitely my chick. So I've got 4 Black Australorp chicks and 4 "yellow" chicks that I'm hoping are Buff Orpingtons, but at this age, I'm not sure how you can tell one yellow breed chick...
  10. bjengel

    Spring 2011 RAISE-A-LONG!

    OK, I guess I will go second: We have finally dived in and as of yesterday afternoon, are the proud owners of 8 little day old chicks out of the "assorted pullet" bin at TSC. I've been lurking on this thread and site for about a year now since my boys and I started talking last spring about...
  11. bjengel


    Thanks for the kind welcome!! - good news to report................... after a trip home at lunch to check on the chickies, all are doing just fine - I've been worrying all morning for nothing.
  12. bjengel


    Hi everyone.............. Greetings from Bay City!! I would just like to announce that as of yesterday afternoon, we have finally dived in and are the proud owners of 8 little day old chicks out of the "assorted pullet" bin at TSC. I've been lurking on this thread and site for about a year...
  13. bjengel

    So excited!!! Look at the coop!!

    Quote: Wanna make a profit? - I'll buy it off you for $500 (including delivery)............................ of course I live in Michigan (I'm so, so jealous!!!)
  14. bjengel

    New rollout nest design Picture heavy-edited 1/21

    Opa - you mentioned in the very first post in this thread that "many people have gotten your plans for a 2 hole rollout nest box............. where can I find those plans - do you have them posted on here someplace? - I only have 4 hens and the 2-hole rollout box would be perfect for my new...
  15. bjengel

    Doesn't a coop need a run?

    Quote: No it is actually a lean-to addition onto the back of our barn, it is all enclosed. Our barn was 16x12 and then they basically added on this little 6'-0" addition onto the back of the barn (but not as tall as the barn is) - there is one 3'-0" wide door leading from the barn into the...
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