Recent content by boringchickens

  1. boringchickens


    We live in Boring. Need to find a good home for our Ameraucanas rooster hatched 3/14/2014. [/IMG]
  2. boringchickens


    Actually this flock is in North Bend, WA, east of Seattle.
  3. boringchickens

    Dark Flecks

    We cracked a raw egg this morning and noticed a couple of dark flecks floating in the egg. Are these safe to eat? What causes them? Doesn't look like blood to me.
  4. boringchickens


    We attend the Boring church and I met a retired minister who lives here, Reverend Sleeper...true story
  5. boringchickens


    Boring, Oregon (a place name, not an adjective) I have six sexlinks …try to say that ten times. They are happily living in a chicken tractor we move around in our lawn every day or two.
  6. boringchickens

    Hello everyone

    Hi Caroline, I live in Boring, Oregon (a place name, not an adjective). My wife's cousin gave us six of their mixed-breed hens and they only laid 2-3 eggs in two months. So we traded them for these sexlinks and immediately started getting 2-3 eggs every day.
  7. boringchickens

    Hello everyone

    I'm new to this site and new to keeping chickens. I have started with six sexlinks (three red and three black.) I have them in a chicken tractor that I move onto anew piece of lawn every day or two. We are having a blast and getting 2-3 eggs every day.
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