Recent content by Brian999

  1. Brian999

    Pure Beltsville Small White Turkey Pair

    The pair just sold. Thanks guys. I only have 1 lone tom I can sell now.
  2. Brian999

    Pure Beltsville Small White Turkey Pair

    Lone hen $45, and I can ship her. She's about 6lbs. I'll charge the actual quote I get from USPS, not for the box.
  3. Brian999

    Pure Beltsville Small White Tom- Pickup ONLY

    Pure Beltsville Small White tom. From Jerry Pool. 3 to choose from. The biggest is about 15+lbs, the smallest 12+. If nobody buy's only Im going to have to butcher I would ship but he's too huge. Pickup in Rancho Cucamunga.
  4. Brian999

    Sold Locally

    sold, mods delete please.
  5. Brian999

    Pure Beltsville Small White Turkey Pair

    I have a Pair of Pure Beltville Small White Turkey Poults. 100% male, and female. Very nice, and big. 4 months old. The Tom is 13lbs+, the hen is about 6lbs. I bought these from Jerry Pool. I'm only selling because I only want to keep 3 of these. I don't have the space, and money to keep up...
  6. Brian999

    Bronze Turkey - Heritage $15 - $40

    darn darn darn!!!! Why doesn't anybody have these locally or available to ship? If you decide on shipping the littler ones let me know. I can send a a box.
  7. Brian999

    Putting my 6 week old chicks with my 4 month old turkeys

    My Beltsville small white turkeys are 4 months old my chickens are 6 weeks old, can I put them together? The plan was to keep them together, and let them free range in the day. I tried 3 days ago, but while the chicken was roosting on my finger. The turkeys got very scared, and ran to the corner...
  8. Brian999

    Method of clipping Turkeys wings

    Thank you steve and chickenannie. I'll work on that this Saturday because I'll have help then, and then start letting them free range again. I'll let you know how it works out.
  9. Brian999

    Method of clipping Turkeys wings

    I have 5 beltsville turkey poults about 4 months old or so. I kept them in a large run, but started letting them free range since last week. I noticed that right when I let them out they start flying, not that high but they fly. I noticed they get also get scared, and start chasing each other...
  10. Brian999

    Method of clipping Turkeys wings

    I have 5 beltsville turkey poults about 4 months old or so. I kept them in a large run, but started letting them free range since last week. I noticed that right when I let them out they start flying, not that high but they fly. I noticed they get also get scared, and start chasing each other...
  11. Brian999

    Turkey snacks?

    Mine love apples, mulberry leaves, and there crumble when its moistened. Thats all I've tried, so far, but they go crazy for all those things.
  12. Brian999

    Proven Bronze Turkey Trio Cheap - NW AL

    VERY nice my friend. I wish I was local Do you have any babies, or any poults that are good size to ship?
  13. Brian999

    Which breed of duck for me?

    Quote: I just looked those up they did mention that were bred for egg and meat production, but I saw nothing that mentioned if they are noisy or not, are they? I heard Muscovy ducks are quite. Do they fly pretty well? Are they work good for meat, and egg production? I have a large pond at...
  14. Brian999

    Which breed of duck for me?

    Im interested in an all purpose duck for eggs, meat, and one that are good foragers. I was looking at starting a small flock. I had 2 crested swedish ducks 2 years ago, both were hens. they grew really fast, but I gave them away to a friend of mine. He still had them, and when I told him Im...
  15. Brian999

    Turkey eggs

    Quote: I sent you a PM bargain!
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