Recent content by bringontheeggs

  1. bringontheeggs

    BIN -12+ Mixed eggs for fun - Colored Egg Pack

    Oh! This hatch is exciting! I'm updating on the eggs I bought! They were hard to candle, but it turns out something was in there! An EE just can out last night, a large light tan hatched an hour ago, and the copper maran (dark dark brown egg) is fighting its way out! Thanks kizanne for the...
  2. bringontheeggs

    When to stop turning: Clarification please.

    OK... everyone says stop turning day 18. There's a chart on BYC that has all the different breeds and it says day 19... So, I want to simplify into easier terms...PLEASE correct if I have this totally wrong... Stop turning after day 18 (a full 432 hours) and before the begining of day 19...right?
  3. bringontheeggs

    Need advice quickly please - 28 hours since pip

    34 hours! my heavens, I've had two kids and I don't remember being this worried or nervous! Darn eggs! But thanks for the advice, I've been worried. I heard a preetty strong peep peep over 24 hours ago and am at a loss of what to do! do i mist? do i leave alone? do i, do i? I think... well i...
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