Recent content by brokenorchid82

  1. brokenorchid82

    What Colors Are Okay To Breed With A Splash Silkie

    Thank you! I appreciate you giving me advice and help!Im learning new things as I go. Thank you so much
  2. brokenorchid82

    What Colors Are Okay To Breed With A Splash Silkie

    Thank you so much! I heard Frazzles are bad and so he won't be paired with my two Frizzle girls!I'm going to have to look for some smooth (Sizzles) feathered Silkies in my area and I'll make sure one is blue and the other black. I was also curious can you breed lavender to splash?
  3. brokenorchid82

    What Colors Are Okay To Breed With A Splash Silkie

    Hello Chicken Lovers out there I am in need of some help. I didn't know where else to post except here, I have a splash frizzled silkie rooster that I am purchasing tomorrow. I already know the number one rule is to not breed Frizzle with Frizzle, that being said I was also told that you could...
  4. brokenorchid82

    Hi I'm New To BYC

    Thanks very much!
  5. brokenorchid82

    Hi I'm New To BYC

    Hi everyone, I am new to BYC. I currently have (3) Silkies; Mage (Partridge Male) Fizzgig (White Silkie, Possibly Pullet), Duffy (White Frizzled Silkie). I also have a trio of Splash Wyandottes, I have White Wyandottes, Rhode Island Whites (Straight Combed), Red Bro Meat chickens, Saipan Jungle...
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