Recent content by BugBane

  1. BugBane

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest—What's Your Hobby?

    I have a new hobby like every two weeks, but the consistent ones are… Entomology: I’ve loved bugs since I was little, and being one of the only ppl I know who doesn’t mind them, I often hear my name called from across rooms to come rescue someone from a cricket or spider lol Rock hounding...
  2. BugBane

    Any artists out there?

    Hey, you can paint better than I can though
  3. BugBane

    Any artists out there?

    @Everose There is this better?
  4. BugBane

    Any artists out there?

    Homework doodles are some of the best doodles for some reason
  5. BugBane

    Any artists out there?

    Ok I’ll see what I have lol
  6. BugBane

    Hey you back :cool:*eyebrow wiggle*

    Hey you back :cool:*eyebrow wiggle*
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